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…før de spredtes : NEW ALBUM COMMING UP

   “Nordic musical heritage, change, and acceptance”‘…før de spredtes’ : Tomas Raae feat. Eline Hellerud Åsbakk


A phrase from Ernst Frandsen’s book *Danske Folkeviser* from 1945 forms the title of the album ‘…før det spredtes’. The album is a study of, and an album about, the Nordic region and the Nordic musical heritage; the words, the change and development, the melancholy and the light, the nature and the people. The 9 tracks are a collection of both newly composed songs and folk music from the period 1580-1870.

The old songs are full of life and immensely powerful. Filled with both poetry, sharp realistic descriptions, and deep reflections on life in all its wonder and incomprehensibility—love, pain, sorrow, and acceptance. I was completely overwhelmed and absorbed when I delved into them. And when, by chance, I heard Eline sing, I could very easily see myself reflected in the lyrics.”

Release Year: 2025

Featured on the album Eline Hellerud Åsbakk: Vokal, Lea Foxman: Vokal, Victor Dybbroe: Percussion, Bjørn Heebøll: Trommer + Marimba, Lars Emil Riis: Piano and offcourse me: Moog, Polysix, Guitar, Piano, Bas, writing, arranging and producing  😉  …. 

In Addition: The graphics are made by Niklas Antonsen, Stereomix/Dolby AtmosMix by August Wanngren and Master by Stockholm Mastering